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banchetto musicale

15 September, 1 pm
Palace of the Grand Dukes, Katedros a. 4, Vilnius

Battle of the Music Notes
A concert for children and families

CordAria (Switzerland, Austria, Lithuania)

Once upon a time, everybody in this world lived peacefully. All animals, all humans, all kingdoms were living in friendship with one another, and any standing quarrels were solved without weapons.
However, one day, the King of the Land of the Music Notes became overwhelmed by a strong desire to occupy the Land of Books. He gathered all the music notes into a huge battalion of different troops, armed with sticks and flags. So fiercely they rushed to fight the books, that only rags were left on both sides.
These rags were then found by a little boy, who glued them to the biggest collage in the world. A collage is a piece of art, made by sticking various different materials together into one big picture.
And from this picture, ensemble CordAria will play how the battle of the music notes sounded.

The concert is free of charge. Please register in advance via provided link

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