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banchetto musicale

9 September, 7 pm
St. Francis of Assisi (Bernardine) Roman Catholic Church, Maironio g. 10, Vilnius

We are sorry to inform you that this concert is being canceled due to illness. We will inform you about the new date of the event in the near future, please follow the upcoming information.

Minstrel Songs and Hymns for Virgin Mary at the court of Alfonso X El Sabio

Carla Babelegoto – voice (Italy)
Peppe Frana – oud, citole, percussions (Italy)

The musical corpus of the Cantigas De Santa Maria is a musical and literary treasure trove. It includes more than 400 melodies praising the miracles of Holy Mary in a unique narrative style that mixes Christian orthodoxy with elements of legend and folklore.
Codice Rico provides us with a comprehensive overview of the cultural and social environment of the court of King Alfonso X of Castile ‘the Wise’ (1221–1284) in Toledo, which played host to musicians from a wide variety of social and ethnic backgrounds. Moorish and Jewish lute and fiddle players, choristers and minstrels are depicted, performing, as we can imagine, the very repertoire of Cantigas that the manuscript contains. The music itself testifies to this unique melting-pot of Gregorian chant, troubadour melodies and even shades of the few musical materials coming from Muslim world that we can trace back to the Mediaeval era. This programme attempts to re-imagine this fascinating period in musical history, magnifying the various musical idioms that the Cantigas gathered together from the creative efforts of pious men and minstrels alike.

Free admission to the concert, prior reservation is necessary

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